Dra. Déborah Oliveros Braniff
I am originally from México city, but I have lived in many places in Mexico and in Canada. I studied must of my carrier at UNAM and did a Postdoc at the University Calgary where I stayed around 7 years. I am currently a full professor at the Institute of Mathematics.

Instituto de Matemáticas, Campus Juriquilla, National University of Mexico, UNAM, Blvd. Juriquilla 3001, Juriquilla Querétaro, 76230
(+52) 442 192 6303
Mexican and Canadian
Fluent in Spanish and English

Full Profesor "B"
Institute of Mathematics
National University of Mexico, UNAM
Discrete and Convex Geometry
2015 (august) up to date
Full Profesor "A"
Institute of Mathematics
National University of Mexico, UNAM
Associate Profaesor "C"
Institute of Mathematics
National University of Mexico, UNAM
Postdoctoral fellow
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Associate Profesor "C"
Institute of Mathematics
National University of Mexico, UNAM
Pride D
Visitor Profesor Position Lluis Santaló
CRM Centre de Reserca Matemàtica, Barselona, Spain.
Regular Membre of the Mexican Academy of Sciences
2013 up to date
Mexican Mathematical Society Member.
National Researcher (Investigador Nacional, SNI II)
"Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz" Award for Academic merit
National Researcher (Investigador Nacional, SNI I)
Postdoctoral Fellowship.
University of Calgary, Calgary Alberta, Canada. CONACyT
"Gabino Barreda" Award best GPA in Master in Sciences.
Faculty of Sciences, National University of Mexico, UNAM
"Sotero Prieto" Award best Bachelor Thesis in Mathematics.
Mexican Mathematical Society

Visitor Professor
University of California, Davis
USA(Sabbatic year)
2017 (August) to 2108 (July)
Institute for Software and Technology Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
2016 June
Bolyai Intitute, Szeged University, Hungary
2016 June
Polytechnical University of Catalunya.Barcelona, Spain.
2015 (June and July)
Department de Mathematics University of California Davis, USA
2014 (April - September)
Bolyai Intitute, Szeged University, Hungary
2013 September
Bolyai Intitute, Szeged University, Hungary
2012 May
Department of Mathematics. Auburn University, USA
2012 March
Department of Mathematics, Northeastern University,Boston, USA.
2010 Abril
Department de Mathematics and Statistics. Universidad de Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
2008 (July and August)
Department de Mathematics and Statistics. Universidad de Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
2007 (July and August)
Department de Mathematics and Statistics Universidad de York, Ontario, Canada
2003 April
Borsuk and Vázsonyi problems through Reuleaux polyhedral
Oberwolfach Institute of Mathematics
Enero 22, 2024
From Classic Geometry to New Bodies of Constant Width, Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) Winter Meeting
Montreal Canadá
Diciembre 1 al 4, 2023 (Plenary talk)
Tverberg Type Theorems: The study of partitions of points as simplicial complexes
XII Latin America Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, Oaxaca, México
Septiembre 18 al 22, 2023. (Plenary talk)
Tverberg type theorems, graphs, and other ways to get on your nerves
Workshop on Graph Drawing and Combinatorial Geometry, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungria, Budapest
Noviembre 13 al 17, 2023. (Plenary talk)
From word-representable graphs to altered Tverberg-type theorems
10th Latin American Workshop on Cliques in Graphs, Curitiba, Brazil
16 de octubre, 2022
Intersection Patterns and Tvereberg type theorems. Latinx in math sciences conference
Los Angeles, C.A. USA
Julio 7 al 9, 2022
Intersection Patterns and Tverberg type theorems
Copenhagen-Jerusalem Combinatorics Seminar
Septiembre 15, 2022
Entendiendo patrones de intersección y particiones de puntos
Coloquio Queretano de Matemáticas
Abril 29, 2022
Let's try to control the nerves
SMM Distiguished Speaker Series, Womens in Combinatorics
Abril 13, 2022. (Plenary talk)
Pea Bodies of Constant Width
AMS Special Session on Discrete and Convex Gometry
Marzo 22, 2022
Matemáticas para el Desarrollo, LX Semana de la Facultad de Ciencias, nuestra dependencia
Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosi
Marzo 22, 2022
Algoritmos y problemas de partición justa y libre de envidia
Foro Académico del Centro de Física Aplicada y Tecnología Avanzada
Noviembre 3, 2021
Bodies of Constant Width Celebrating the 70th birthday of Luis Montejano
octubre 15, 2021
Pea Bodies of Constant Width.
8th European Congress of Mathematics, Section; Convex bodies - approximation and sections
junio 21, 2021
Los fantásticos eventos alrededor del Franz Reuleaux
53 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Matemáticas Mexicana, Conferencia Plenaria
20 de Octubre 2020
Tverberg Theorem with Altered Nerves
2018 CMS Winter meeting, SpecialSession Discrete Geometry, Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Dicember 10, 2018
Bodies of constant width and Meissner n-polytopes
AMS Sectional Meeting at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. Sesión especial Polytopes and Discrete Geometry. Conference by Invitation
Abril 22, 2018
Recent developments on Hellys theorem and its generalizations for boxes over general subsets in Rd
Discrete Geometry Fest. Alfred Rényi Mathematical Institute, Hungary (Plenary speaker)
May 15 to 17, 2017
Variants on Helly's Theorems over Algebraic Subsets of Rd
Joint Mathematics Meetings. Atlanta GA. USA.
January 4 to 7 2017
Alternating sums of polygons in planar point sets
ACCOTA 2016, México
November 28 to December 2
Symmetric Snarks. Discrete Geometry Days
Mathematical Institute of Budapest University of Technology and Economics
June 21 to 24, 2016
Alternating sums of polygons in planar point sets
AMS Sectional Meeting University of Georgia, Athens, GA Special, Session on New Developments in Discrete and Intuitive Geometry (Dedicated to the 75th birthday of Wlodzimierz Kuperberg)
March 5, 2016
Searching for perfection in hypergraphs. Geometry and Symmetry
Veszprem Hungary
June 29 to July 3, 2015
Helly's Theorem over subsets of R^d
Intuitive Geometry Lászlo Fejes Tóth Centennial, Budapest Hungry
June 22 to 28, 2015
About the piercing number of boxes and beyond
Joint Mathematics meetings AMS-MAA San Antonio Texas
January 10 to 13, 2015
Fracctional Helly theorems and boxes. Kaleidoscope
Ixtapa, Mexico, A conference in honor of Javier Bracho
May 12 to 16, 2014
Searching of Perfection. First workshop of women in Mathematics
Mexican Mathematical Society
January 23 to 26, 2014